Friday, 27 June 2008

So, here we are..

We have reached the "stopping" point. Our family has moved into temporary residence just outside of Chicago. (Which is nice because my parents live just a few miles away, so Grandma is always willing to watch the boys while I hook up the internet at Panera).

It's strange to go from all the amenities to...nothing. No cell phone, no internet, no cable. Now, I love a good fiction book, which I've already finished the one I, I'm not sure what I'm going to do now.

We go to Toronto on Tuesday for a MissionPrep conference. And then we still have to go to Michigan to change over driver's licenses and apply for international licenses. But we've already taken care of most of the "official" things here (ie: uniforms, etc.).

It's surreal not having any responsibilities. We really should enjoy this feeling, but for some strange reason we can't. Typically on vacation you enjoy the time off with the nagging understanding that in a week or so you will be "back to reality". Well, right now our reality is: we have nothing to do (and no money to waste). It probably doesn't help that when it's not been raining lately, the mosquitoes eat you alive, and there are no parks in the neighborhood (God bless urban sprawl).

Maybe this is a divine opportunity to simply be. To enjoy life without "life" getting in the way. It's a sabbatical of sorts, perhaps. If only I could see it that way when I'm bored, internet-less, no book to read, and no TV to watch.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

It's funny how toddlers cope with change....

They know something is about to change. If you ask Bramwell he can even tell you we are moving to Spain. But I don't think they really get it...obviously. They've both been little maniacs for the past couple days, and we think that the schedule shift as well as the mounting stress is to blame. Jeff and I deal with the stress by getting frustrated, overwhelmed, etc. But both of us have adult ways of dealing with that stress, or at least talking about it together. The boys don't have the words...I should be more cognizant of that when coming to the brink of scolding them. I've been letting Bram watch more videos than usual, it's our dual coping mechanism I think.....any helpful tips on moving with toddlers?

The truck comes Friday. The carpet cleaners come Monday. But the biggest of my problems right now, is that we are out of coffee. Pray, just pray.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

T-minus 10 days.....

Why do all the crazy things happen in the last few moments? Our technology investments (GPS, digital camera, and digital camcorder) were all stolen from our van two weeks before we move. I am incredibly thankful for great insurance that allowed us to replace it all before we moved!!

It's down to the wire now. We are busy scrubbing our house top to bottom, organizing linen closets, arranging for carpet cleaners, etc, etc. Even Jonas is helping out! We move out in a week and go into a slight holding pattern.

The first couple of weeks in July we head off to Canada for a MissionPREP conference. I'm looking forward to going, I've never been to Canada...there are just a few other couples attending the conference with us, so it should be nice.

Still no official "official" word on where in Spain we will be landing or when, but we've been given the most likely destination of Denia. So, we're packing plenty of swimsuits.

I have been trying to transition our family into a Spanish lifestyle schedule. We eat lunch at 2:00, dinner around 8:00, and the boys go to bed around 9:30. Now, granted, this is not exactly the schedule Spanish children follow, but we're breaking into it. Baby steps. This has been a hard transition for our family. Most of our family and friends look at us like we're crazy for even changing our lifestyle. We felt that it would be easier to make this change now, rather than dealing with time, jet lag, language, and lifestyle all at the same time. Each day is a little better. I have to keep reminding myself that the boys will need a couple weeks to ease into it, so I just have to endure extra tantrums and whining for a while.
It's exciting to think of all the possibilities that await us on the otherside of the ocean... It's sad to leave our family and friends, but we look forward to the new friends and adventures that await us.

Saturday, 7 June 2008

Every year at Congress (Salvation Army Midwest Conference Weekend) my boys find some way to stand out. Two years ago, Bram nearly broke his nose crawling off the hotel bed. Last year, Bram had a black eye and Jonas was a six week old, so no one was sleeping anyways.

So, you ask, what is the special circumstances this year? My two year old woke up vomitting. (Sorry for those that may be a little squeamish.) So while my husband and my one year old attend the meetings, Bram and I are stuck in the hotel room waiting for the next sick moment. Currently, we are watching Higgley Town Heroes, because I didn't bring "entertainment items" because we weren't supposed to be in the room before 10:00 each night. He seems to be feeling better...well, he hasn't thrown up in about an hour.

My toddlers will not be ignored....................................::::sigh:::