Thursday, 2 October 2008

Waiting for the gas man...

Everything 'hot' runs on butane gas tanks here, so after 2 cold showers in a row, we decided perhaps the tanks needed replacing. So, I have a few extra minutes thanks to the Spainard understanding of making an appointment. (There is a 2 hour window around the time you were told.)

I've been reading "A New Kind of Christian" by Brian McLaren. (I am trying to make myself read a Christian 'development' book before getting sucked back into my never-ending Liz Curtiss Higgs Scottish series...) Anyways, the book is all about defining post-modern Christianity. (Think "Shack" meets "Velvet Elvis", and that's the style of book.) It's creating quite a bit of thinking on my part. Perhaps that's the point?

Yesterday a homeless-by-choice man stopped by the church building just in search of a Bible. After I got him one, he started talking about how Jesus was radical, challenging the status quo, etc, etc. He then started in about how he didn't like organized religion, etc. And that he was a radical like Jesus. All in all, I think he's just revolting against responsibility, and wanted to use Jesus as a support for his decisions to ignore laws....I digress....

My conversation with him, coupled with my readings, got me thinking: I think I am more postmodern in my view of Christianity. Less importance placed on the 'organization' and definite emphasis on the relationship.....anyways, I'm still working through the definition, and I'm only half way through the book...


Sue J. said...

Curious to hear more, Valerie, as so much that I've heard about post-modern Christianity is a very bad picture (but, that was coming largely from one voice....).

I don't think Jesus came here as a radical. He came to fulfill prophecy which clearly showed what kind of all-encompassing Messiah He would be. The prophecy was out there, but even in the flesh, Jesus was not understood by everyone. (That wasn't a surprise either.)

We might be wiser to put ourselves in line with Jesus than to have Jesus line up behind us. (Personally, if He's behind me, I hope it's because He's pushing me where I need to go!)

Sorry you didn't win in MyADHDMe's contest. I gladly would have given you my prize (although I would be declared ineligible!).

Kelly said...

Hope your gas man came and you are receiving hot showers now.

And that your relationship with Christ continues to grow within and without the realm of organzied worship.

Edie said...

Oh my goodness, I sooo would not want to take a cold shower ... brrr. Hope you got your hot water back.

I'm interested in hearing more too, and how it defines post-modern Christianity.

I developed a very intimate relationship with Christ and left out the organized part in the beginning of my Christianity. God has taught me how valuable the friendships, support, corporate worship, and church involvement are to all of us individually and as the Body as well.

Jeff and Valerie Carr said...

Just a few footnotes:
1. I'm still working on the definition, and whether I agree...blogs really make it easy to think outloud.

2. I agree with the benefit of corporate worship, and a faith journey that is shared with other "travelers" (in a church building, on the blog-circuit, etc) is a wonderful asset in my spiritual development.

3. I am not anti-organization (it would be a little hypocritical seeing as how I have chosen to serve God within the vehicle of a highly organized group...) I simply understand that an organization is not a 'requirement' to faith or even a growing faith.....once again, still working through the complete definition in my head...

I appreciate all the input...

Anonymous said...

I miss you!