Spain had some incredible wind/storms this past weekend. In Barcelona 4 children died when a football (soccer) arena collapsed on them. There was a fire that engulfed an entire apartment complex when a power line pole was knocked over in the wind. I think the death toll was up to 12 people last I heard.
Our neighbors lost a huge chunk of their brick wall, so there is nothing between her washing machine and falling into the courtyard 4 stories below. There are broken lamp posts, twisted bill boards, and downed trees all over our little section of the Mediterranean. Thankfully our apartment and church building are unharmed...we didn't even lose any clothes off the line.
Some positive things in our past few days:
1. Bram is loving school! (He must have told me the story of the three little pigs about 40 times.) And his uniforms finally came in!
2. The sunshine has returned to the coast, so our clothes will finally dry in a decent amount of time.
3. I finally got around to reading the book my mother-in-law sent (Deep in the Heart of Trouble) and I'm lovin' it!
That is SO GOOD, Valerie! I'm so glad you all are well. Doesn't Bram look dapper!! I love the uniform.
Your neighbors are in a for a surprise. I hope they had thoughts of calling someone to check on things. Maybe it will all be logs before they arrive back?
And family, too!?! YIPPEE....
Tell us more about the book later...
So glad you are all safe.
Bram looks like a little gent!
Of course there is still time for you.
Because you are no longer the Notorious Missionary, but instead are the FAMOUS Missionary From Spain, Your letter is...
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