I confess I am a cranky mommy.
The boys have been coming into our room with toys blaring (Bless all you purchasers of loud toys for children not your own) every morning at precisely 6:30AM, sometimes a tad earlier but never later.... I don't know about you, but I HATE beginning my day this way. I like to wake up of my own accord. I could get up at 6:30 and be a completely pleasant person for the remainder of the day, but for some reason if I am bonked on the head by Spiderman's motorcycle or have Thomas's horn blown in my ear I tend to lose my composure for the remainder of the day.
If I am woken up, I'm crabby for pretty much the whole day, and then everyone suffers. If I get up (same time frame) on my own, I'm relatively normal. What is a girl to do?
1. go to bed at a decent hour and stop watching good TV shows (prime time starts at 10pm!)....ok, even mediocre television...side bar: I keep watching the "Hormiguero" show here in Spain, I have no idea what he's talking about most of the time...but the singing ant puppets make me laugh...
2. I could get up earlier than the boys.............um..............but 6:30 is my early.....
Ok, so I'm out of ideas....I think I'll read that book again....
wish I could offer some wonderful advise. I am NOT a morning person. I get a second wind each evening around 10:00 and sometimes find that 3 hours have flown by and all of the sudden it is 1:00AM. Even then I may need to force myself to go to bed. That alarm is 6:45 is not a pleasant sound....however, it is better than Thomas' train Whistle.
RJ2 has trouble with weather conditions and the moon....and she can sometimes wake up in the 4 p.m. hour and not go back to sleep until close to six, and she has to get up at 6:15 to get ready for school.
I used to be a morning person, but that kind of morning isn't fun. And, I agree, I could do 6:30 regularly, but couldn't the kids just hop into bed with you for 30 minutes or so instead of bringing their goodies! (No goodies until 7 a.m.!! HA!!!)
Or, maybe you can entice them to play with their toys in their room while you sleep--is that possible?
It's amazing what a few extra minutes of sleep will do for the rest of your day--you are so right!
Hard to believe this is a phase, but it is. Wait 'til the days when you have to wake THEM up because it's 11 A.M.!! Hang in there....
What about gathering some acceptable "morning toys" together and teaching them which toys are "morning toys", or "quiet time toys", or "mommy's still asleep toys" and which ones are "daytime toys", or "awake time toys". If, ok when, they wake you up with the awake time toys ask them if that's a mommy's still asleep toy. They will think about it and remember. I know this sounds overly simplistic but I have been amazed at the results I get with this kind of solution.
so where is hubby? that's how it works around here. he's a morning person and is up sometimes before the boys. i make my way out sloooowly and all is well!
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