Thursday, 7 May 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

Today, I am thankful for...

1. the fact that we live in walking distance of the beach, and the warm weather means we can take advantage of it.

2. new plants! I got a free plant from a local nursery. We were the first Americans to ever shop there. Apparently it's a fuschia, and I will do my absolute best to not kill it...

3. finding pickles at the grocery store today.

4. spring clothes. It's time to wear capris again!!!

5. the return of the fruit market. Last weekend was Labor Day in Spain, so there was no's cherry season, and I need my fix.


SusanD said...

Great post for TT. I love the fresh food at our local farmer's market. It's always wonderful produce and a great social gathering. Blessings, SusanD

Denise said...

What I wouldn't give to be walking distance from the beach! Beautiful!


Lisa said...

LOVE the beach and wish I could walk there and share with you in person giving Thanks to God! He is so good.
Blessings - Lisa

Growin' With It said...

you can seriously WALK to the beach. *green with envy here*!!! capris make me grin these days too!

Sue J. said...

I'm getting ready to sew some capris to go with my new rash guard! Love the beach, but I'm steppin' out this summer in the latest SPF/UPF fashions and accessories. Guess you can have too much of one of the very best things I can think of....

Glad the market is open again. What will you make with your cherries?